The Tax Foundation’s 2020 State Business Tax Climate Index illustrates the states’ relative business … [+] tax burdens. (See: The Tax Foundation The 27 states with the lightest tax burden on individuals continued to add jobs at double the rate of the 23 states with higher taxes since the federal tax cut was signed
Tech just can’t get away from politics. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has a bone to pick with Facebook, mainly its standards for political ads. After Facebook refused to take down a Trump campaign ad that accused him of wrongdoing connected to his son Hunter’s work in Ukraine, Warren fired back. She posted her own Facebook
You’d like to learn how to invest $1,000. Is this possible? After all, don’t many financial advisors have investing minimums? What if you’re new to investing? Where do you start? Yes, there are places you can invest $1,000. And, some of them are pretty nifty, as well. But, it’s not enough to know some places
After decades of calls to fix Social Security by reducing benefits, Social Security expansion’s time has come. The idea has certainly been on a roll. Eight years ago increasing Social Security benefits was a fringe position; four years ago only outsider candidates like Sen. Bernie Sanders advocated for it. Today, expanding Social Security is the
Economic Security Planning, Inc. Today’s column address whether to take retroactive benefits at 70, spousal benefits before retirement benefits, divorced spousal benefits with a public pension, when spousal benefits become available and filing early to allow spousal benefits. Larry Kotlikoff is a Professor of Economics at Boston University and the founder and president of Economic