Small Business

In this article ETSY Darin Mays makes wood tables and sells on Etsy. He sources locally and can quickly navigate supply headaches plaguing other retailers. Larry Falk | CNBC This holiday season, Darin Mays isn’t staring down labor challenges or supply chain woes like some of his big-box competitors, and sales are strong. The entrepreneur’s
Having an emergency fund should be a cornerstone of household budgets. Experts commonly recommend you have at least three months of expenses in savings to handle unexpected setbacks. But how much money should you save to intentionally quit your job? That is a harder question to answer. For Tori Dunlap, founder of the woman-focused financial
Christopher Willard | Disney General Entertainment Content | Getty Images Some valuable firms like Hermes demonstrate there’s brand value preserved in keeping the business under family control. Others prove that the family connection can help restore belief in a damaged brand — Toyota after its unintended acceleration crisis in 2010 is an example. But those
Early in 2020, Sam Lyon’s new job fell through because of a coronavirus hiring freeze. That’s when Lyon decided to create what he calls the “Uber Eats Challenge.” The Salem, Oregon, resident committed to delivering food for 12 hours per day every day in June, aiming for a pace that would amount to $100,000 a
Morsa Images | DigitalVision | Getty Images Job listings are requiring applicants get vaccinated in increasing numbers, and the trend appears poised to continue. The number of job postings mandating candidates have a Covid-19 vaccine doubled since the end of September, according to an analysis published Tuesday by Ladders, a career site for higher earners.
Ruby Bugarin owns two restaurants in California and is being hit by rising supply chain struggles and inflation. Courtesy: Ruby Bugarin Restaurants around the county were looking ahead to the economy’s reopening over the last few months, as Covid vaccines became more widespread and pent-up consumer demand was palpable. But headwinds from supply chain disruptions
Jelena McWilliams, chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), speaks during a Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee hearing in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021. Al Drago | Bloomberg | Getty Images The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. will unveil this week a new investment fund backed by corporate giants that
Phil Roeder Congressional Democrats are considering reforms to the 20% pass-through tax deduction as part of a $3.5 trillion federal spending package. Democrats’ proposal would phase out the tax break for business owners with taxable income exceeding $400,000, according to a discussion list obtained by CNBC. It would also make the tax cut available to
Ting Shen/Bloomberg via Getty Images The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau proposed a rule Wednesday to raise transparency around loans for small businesses. If finalized, the federal agency’s rule would require lenders to collect and report more data about credit applications from small businesses, including demographic and pricing data and reasons for which lenders deny a
Former Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp, one of the party’s leading voices on tax policy, said President Joe Biden’s proposal to tax appreciated assets upon death would hurt family farms and family-owned businesses. “I’m trying to sound the alarm, both economically and politically, for Democrats that this is not a path to walk,” she said in