
Before its bankruptcy in 1991, Executive Life Insurance Company accepted transfer contracts from companies to pay their retirees’ pensions instead of the companies defined benefit pension plan. Employers saved money in the transfer because Executive Life offered high interest rates — which were discovered later to be backed by junk bonds – and because their
It used to be that the worst fears about aging were getting cancer. Now, the worst fear is developing dementia. Unlike cancer, for which we do have treatments like surgery and chemotherapy, we have no equivalent treatments available yet for dementia. We can indeed manage and sometimes cure cancers. We can’t yet slow nor stop
It goes by many different names: semi-retirement, partial or phased retirement, second career, and so on. But typically, it means the same thing: working in some capacity after retiring early. According to the 2024 State of Retirement Planning Study by Fidelity Investments, the rise of remote and hybrid work has shifted retirement preferences for working
Suppose you’ve saved for a few decades in your 401(k) plan and IRA and you’re approaching retirement. How do you know if you’ve saved enough money? You might have heard you’ll need to save $1.46 million to have a comfortable retirement, based on a recent survey of 4,588 U.S. adults conducted by Northwestern Mutual. The