
“Nobody wants to hear your story, they want to be invited into a story,” Donald Miller told me, in a recent interview about his new book, Building A StoryBrand 2.0. That’s it. That’s how financial planning—or perhaps more accurately, financial planners—have got the story all wrong. And regardless of the type of business that you’re
A decade ago, I couldn’t spell septuagenarian, and yet now, at 72, I am one. A decade ago, I thought I would retire in my 60s. And yet here I am working in my 70s. The reality is that some of us don’t retire until we are into our 70s or even 80s. Some never
Last year, Southwest Airlines pilots approved a new contract under which pilots earned a substantial pay increase: a 50% salary increase over the life of the five-year contract. The airline’s 11,000 pilots reportedly were negotiating not just for better pay, but also for improved retirement benefits and disability insurance along with a revised scheduling process.
The Congressional Research Service found that by the end of 2023, more than 2 million Social Security beneficiaries had their retirement incomes reduced because of two programs: the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO). The Social Security Fairness Act, which was signed into law on Sunday, eliminates this benefit reduction. Who is
What We All Agree About Social Security: Insolvency Looms Large Federal policymakers and the general public—to the extent that they pay attention—agree on the core financial dynamics of Social Security. According to the 2024 Trustees Report, Social Security’s total income in 2023 was $1,351 billion, while its expenditures reached $1,392 billion. This resulted in a
Social Security is more confusing than ever. Myths abound. Below, you’ll find a complete set of 25 facts to help you understand Social Security and its benefits more than ever. These are facts that I hope you can save and use now or in the future. You are always paid your own benefit first no