Month: June 2021

Tax collectors are coming after you as never before. This is bad news for a sustainable global economic recovery from the pandemic. U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is proposing that countries around the world enact a global minimum corporate tax rate—and this idea is just for starters. Plans are being developed to have global tax
Proper document maintenance is a must in real estate, especially if you hope to protect yourself and your property management business. Meticulous and comprehensive documentation allows property managers to access vital information at a glance, prevent mistakes and even uncover potential opportunities. However, they may not be sure which paperwork is most beneficial or necessary
By Jim Campbell, Next Avenue Editor’s note: In his new book, “Madoff Talks,” investigative reporter Jim Campbell probes the $65 billion investment fraud perpetuated by the late Bernie Madoff, the largest Ponzi scheme in history. The book features Madoff’s handwritten letters and emails to Campbell, explaining how he pulled off the con, plus interviews with Madoff’s wife