Month: July 2020

Robert Goulder, contributing editor at Tax Notes International, and Joseph J. Thorndike, contributing editor at Tax Notes Federal, discuss the recent Supreme Court decisions on the release of Trump’s financial records. Here are a few highlights . . . On the historical perspective of presidential subpoenas Joseph J. Thorndike: These issues go way back to the early days
Kellie Rastegar is Co-Founder and Creative Director at Rastegar Property Group. getty Multifamily housing is known as a recession-resilient investment. However, during black swan events like the Covid-19 pandemic, landlords across the country are nervous about the potential for an influx of late payments. It’s estimated that 11% of renters across the country fell behind on
Are there cases when the amount of guaranteed income can be decreased? Generally, if an annuity contract states that a guaranteed income level remains for life then this is the case as long as distributions do not exceed the guaranteed levels. But some annuity providers make clear that there is an option to receive more
The Child, popularly known as “Baby Yoda,” is a character in the new Disney+ series, “The Mandalorian” Episodic Photos, Disney While “Watchmen,” “Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” and “Schitt’s Creek” secured Emmy nominations on Tuesday, there were quite a few shows — and actors — that didn’t make the cut. And then there were the shows and performers that
getty Separate and apart from the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) is the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (“EIDL”) program.  Initially enacted many years ago to provide loans to businesses that have suffered from major storms, droughts, and other federally-declared disasters, the SBA has already advanced over $150 billion in EIDL money to borrowers who have verified
The number of coronavirus cases in the U.S. surpassed 4 million in late July. Certain parts of the country have been hit particularly hard this month, including California and North Carolina, both places where I’ve recently spent time. After flying back to Los Angeles, where I currently live, from Charlotte, North Carolina, where my family lives, I