This Is How Much You Need To Save And Earn To Retire In The Top 25 Happiest Cities


Sadly no city in the USA came in the top 25 happiest cities for retirement. The top five cities for happiest retirement are Helsinki, Copenhagen, Geneva, Reykjavik, Oslo. 

As a Los Angeles financial planner who helps people plan for a happier, healthier, and wealthier retirement, I am excited to see Los Angeles in the top 5 happiest cities for retirement in the US. 

The top five happiest cities for retirement are, Honolulu, Salt Lake City, Minneapolis, Fargo and Los Angeles.

How The Retirement Happiness Ratings Were Calculated

To calculate the cost of retirement happiness, the study took the happiest cities across the US World Happiness Report. It analyzed each city’s monthly living costs, average salary, and average life expectancy to calculate the average retirement savings required.

This study analyzed over 56 countries and 50 US states. For the comprehensive research on all the cities. You can view more on the study here:

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Want to Retire Happy? Ten tips from Audley Villages:

You’ve reached retirement, but what now? You suddenly have all this time and freedom on your hands, but how can you make sure you make the most of it and, above all, retire happy? Here are our ten tips on retiring happy in 2021.


1.      Plan ahead For Retirement

“What do you want to do with your newly earned free time, where would you like to spend it, and with whom? Starting retirement prepared with a clear plan in mind will not only help you ease into it, but it will also prevent feeling overwhelmed and pressured with the abundance of time you suddenly have on your hands.”

The earlier you start investing for retirement, the easier it will be to have the assets necessary to maintain your standard of living in retirement.

2.      Take it slow

“It will take some time to adjust to your new life. Give yourself the time to adapt to it and address the feelings that come with the situation. Don’t dive in headfirst with multiple volunteering positions, feeling pressured into ticking off a to-do list, and having to fill in all the time you have immediately. Start small and enjoy your new-found freedom.”

You may have a long list of bucket list items you want to do in retirement. You don’t have to accomplish them all today, especially during COVID.

3.      Invest in —and keep up with— meaningful social connections

“It doesn’t matter if you’re a lone wolf or a super social extrovert, meaningful relationships are important for everyone, also after retirement. It gives strength and provides happiness when you have people around you connect with. They’ll be there for advice, sharing of thoughts and dreams, and can tag along with any plans you make. When progressing into retirement, it is possible to lose all your social connections in one go. It isn’t without reason that the value of a social environment is the number one reason for people to delay their retirement.”

Happiness in retirement is not just about money. Friendship and family can play a major role in how much you enjoy your golden years.

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4.      Create a bucket list

“We all have dreams, but when life gets busy, they can sometimes fade into the background. But having entered this new phase in your life, with more time on your hands and less worry on your mind, it’s time to let those dreams resurface. You’re never too old to fulfill them, right? Think about the things you have always wanted to do, make a list, and take active steps to achieve them. Maybe plan that long trip abroad you’ve always wanted to make or take up photography.”

When you have time, what will you be able to finally accomplish, or where will you eventually be able to go?

5.      Stay healthy and active

“If you don’t have a go-to sport or physical activity yet, this would be a good moment to pick one. It’s not only good to keep your mind and body healthy, but it can also be an excellent way of meeting new people.”

There is Nothing happy about being sick. Staying healthy and active can increase your retirement happiness.

6.      Keep your mind young

“An active mind will stay young and healthy. Master a new skill by enrolling in a course, for example, to become fluent in a new language, learn to play an instrument, or keep up with technology.”

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7.      Enjoy the little things

“Nothing is as important as appreciating the small joys in life. They make us happy and let us thrive for a prosperous life; we’re thankful for them. These little things will be different for everybody; they can be anything. The laughter of your grandchildren during a day of babysitting them, feeling the sun on your face on a bright summer day, or the smell of fresh coffee in the morning. Take moments to really be aware of these things and cherish them.”

8.      Enjoy being home

“A vast majority of tips for a happy retirement will include the idea to travel. But being able to appreciate being home and enjoy your direct environment can be even more valuable. Enjoy sitting in the sun in your garden, go for a walk around the block with your dog (or the neighbors), read a book, or invite a neighbor over for a cuppa tea. Perhaps there’s some work to be done in or around the house; this is the excellent time to roll up your sleeves and get it done.”

9.      Importance of structure

“Of course, you won’t stick to the same daily schedule as before, but it’s important to keep some structure in your life. Don’t sleep in too much or not on a daily basis, schedule weekly activities and tasks you want to get done, set appointments, and try to stick to a fixed time for breakfast, lunch and dinner.”

Routine can help keep you happier in retirement.

10.  Speak up about it

“Discuss the changes and your plans with your partner or other people close to you. They may have alternative ideas and may know you even better than you do yourself. Moreover, now that you are at home more often, things will also change in your joint rhythm. Now that you have entered this new phase make sure that you think the same about how you plan your pension.”

Get started now planning for a happier, healthier, and wealthier retirement.

AudleyvillagesThe Cost to Retire Happy Around The World

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