
Billionaires, country clubs, private jet companies and Kanye West all received millions in government funding under the Paycheck Protection Program, according to the Small Business Administration.  The PPP loans and grants were part of the $2 trillion CARES Act, which President Donald Trump signed into law this spring. The loans were designed to help small
The European Commission on Tuesday released its much-anticipated list of countries whose residents will be permitted to travel into the EU starting tomorrow. Who’s in? Residents of Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia and Uruguay. If China reopens its borders to EU residents, it will also
Gary Vaynerchuk wishes young people would stop aspiring to make millions of dollars. The 44-year-old self-made multimillionaire entrepreneur and CEO of VaynerMedia says he’s seen that chasing millions makes people unhappy in life.  “If you’re under 25, you think you have to make a million dollars a year to even be in the game,” Vaynerchuk tells
From January through May, 10.9% of the global population of 2,825 billionaires made confirmed monetary donations to Covid-19 pandemic-related causes, according to a report published Tuesday by Wealth-X, a market research firm covering the world’s wealthiest people.  Other billionaires could have given money through a third party or anonymously, a Wealth-X spokesperson tells CNBC Make It,
Francis Bacon’s “Triptych Inspired by the Oresteia of Aeschylus.” Source: Sotheby’s Sotheby’s plan to auction off a $60 million painting on Monday night marks the first real test of the global art market since the coronavirus pandemic — and is a bold experiment in the centuries-old model for sales auctions.  Sotheby’s aims to sell more
Biologist Beth Cameron spent nearly two decades preparing for a biological threat like Covid-19. Most notably, in 2014, Cameron, then the Obama Administration’s director of countering biological threats, helped create a “pandemic playbook” to guide the White House in handling a pandemic. They knew one was eventually coming. “[W]e starting working on the playbook following the