
Today’s Social Security column addresses questions about how spousal benefits are calculated, survivor’s benefits after taking reduced retirement benefits and earnings credits when self-employed. Larry Kotlikoff is a Professor of Economics at Boston University and the founder and president of Economic Security Planning, Inc. See more Ask Larry answers here. Have Social Security questions of
The cannabis industry continually grows and is weeding out the cynics in the process. To date, 21 states and the District of Columbia legalized the recreational use of cannabis; meanwhile, 37 states legalized the medical use. As a result, the cannabis industry is estimated to take in more than $25 billion annually within two years.
Now that the tax deadline has passed, have you ever paused for a moment to consider how all of the tax returns get processed? The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is arguably one of the most loathed government agencies in the country. It is a mammoth organization consisting of over 79 thousand employees that are responsible
Introduction VAT in the UK is 50 years old this month. VAT is one of the highest yielding taxes for the UK government with official government statistics that over £150 billion of UK VAT was collected last year, being around 16% of total tax receipts. This compares to circa £68 billion for corporation tax and
After months of dithering, Washington is finally beginning to grapple with the need to raise or suspend the federal debt limit. The White House has said for months it would not entertain negotiations until House Republicans laid out a coherent negotiating position. Speaker Kevin McCarthy sought to do just that on Monday with a speech
Senators Kevin Cramer and John Thune, Republicans who represent Dakota, North and South respectively, have introduced the Death Tax Repeal Act of 2023. This is not a new thing. I think the origination of the term “death tax” is a little murky but much credit for its adaptation as a GOP talking point goes to
Last week, the U.S. Treasury surprised almost no one by concluding in Revenue Ruling 2023-02 that IRC section 1014’s basis step-up does not apply to irrevocable grantor trusts that are not included in the grantor’s estate. So, what is notable about a revenue ruling to which maybe 100 people paid attention? Well, less than a