
Our government is currently focusing on the mental health of elders, particularly the loneliness they experience. For those with aging loved ones, pandemic related social isolation exacerbated what was already an underlying problem. Many elders do not have consistent, meaningful connections with enough others to prevent the sadness and hopelessness so many experience every day.
The verdict is in: Women are better investors than men. Actually, the conclusion has been addressed, researched, and reported several times now, going all the way back to Barber and Odean’s “Boys Will Be Boys” study completed in 2001, referencing the differences in investment performance by gender. But the lessons to be learned are evergreen
The recent annual report from the Trustees of Social Security and Medicare estimated that the trust fund backing Social Security retirement benefits will run out of money in 2033. But that might not be the end of the story. There’s a second trust fund that supports Social Security disability benefits. Not long ago that trust