
“Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.” Those words of early personal development sage, Dale Carnegie, spun around in my brain, and then it hit me: This is the reason financial planning stresses people out. So much of financial planning is unknown, even unknowable. It has such a future orientation that it’s hard
With the introduction of the SECURE Act 2.0, various shifts are in motion, and one particular change will significantly affect individuals seeking to enhance their 401(k) contributions, particularly as retirement nears. Starting in January 2024, high-income taxpayers (those with earnings in excess of $145,000) wanting to make catch-up contributions to traditional retirement accounts will have
It’s not necessarily hard to find a location with 3,000+ hours of annual sunshine, but not all are created equal. Make the most of a sunny climate in these eight top destinations, chosen not just for the number of days per year they revel in rays but also for their fascinating histories, diverse cultural offerings,
Recently, I was surprised, pleased, and sobered that a few online calculators estimated I could live to age 100. I’m currently age 70, so that would mean I’d be retired for 30 years! While it was nice to think I still had 30 years to live, it was also a wake-up call that I should
Digital nomads are a new generation of workers who aren’t tied to any specific location. And while the common image of a digital nomad is a laptop-toting 20-something swinging in a hammock on a sun-soaked beach, the reality is that a digital nomad can be from any generation at all, Baby Boomers included. You also
I recently spent an afternoon estimating how long I might live, using a few life expectancy calculators. It was this actuary’s idea of fun! It was also very enlightening and sobering, even for someone who works researches and writes about longevity topics. It reinforced the conclusion that I should be planning for a long retirement,