
If you’re like most income investors right now, you’ve got one eye on this twitchy market—and the other on red flags like slumping manufacturing numbers, chaos in DC and even the dreaded inverted yield curve. I’m worried, too. But our best play here is not to sit in cash. With your mattress full, you’ll be
The U.S. economy remains at a crossroads. A strong consumer and U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) rate cuts could save the day and help boost it; or manufacturing weakness, trade war-induced drops in confidence and the lagged effects of tighter Fed policy in 2018 could lead to recession. Many equity investors have dismissed the yield curve’s
Coaches are everywhere these days.  What used to be the province of the playing field or the ice arena, now is common to the board room, the gym, the hospital delivery room, the concert stage, and more recently, the retirement arena. I have been coaching recent and prospective retirees for the past eight years. It
Social Security may be one of your largest assets. What and when you collect will make a huge difference to your lifetime benefits. Today’s column addresses withdrawing an application for Social Security retirement benefits, what happens with Social Security disability benefits at certain ages, survivor’s benefits and domestic partnerships, submitting an application and whether to
By Randi Mazzella, Next Avenue Contributor Patricia Heaton stars in ‘Carol’s Second Act,’ which premiered this fall on CBS CBS Remember when NBC billed its Thursday nights shows as Must See TV? This fall, NBC and CBS have three new Thursday night half-hour comedies that might be called Second Act TV, featuring popular stars launching
Source: Here’s why they are related The financial advice industry is known for having strong opinions.  Politics is like that too.  Especially these days.  To be clear, this is NOT a political commentary.  I direct you to a zillion other locations on the internet for that. Likewise, it seems to me that people within
Buy funds with the lowest fees and you’ll retire earlier. That’s the so-called “wisdom” in investing, right? Too bad it’s dead wrong. Today I’m going to show you how. I’ll also name an incredible fund that racked up a monster 338% return in the last decade, crushing its “dumb” index-fund alternative by nearly 4 to
Getty Getty Pepsi’s stock is on the mend this year, beating Coke and major market averages by a big margin in the last twelve months. That’s a big difference from previous years when Pepsi underperformed the major market averages, though it still beat Coke. What drives Pepsi’s big comeback on Wall Street? Pepsi’s vs Coke,
By Grace Birnstengel, Next Avenue Editor Courtesy of Cindy Gallop Cindy Gallop loves to tell people how old she is. She says it’s a special number because it’s a subtotal of your learnings, life experiences and everything you’ve been through to date. “I’m fifty-nine and shout it from the rooftops,” she says. Gallop, an iconoclastic
Family at fjord, Aure, More og Romsdal, Norway Getty What do I mean by “Goldilocks-level fertility rates”? Simply put, a stable, replacement-level (or thereabouts) fertility rate that ensures a sustainable balance between workers and retirees. Earlier this week I wrote about the inexplicable decade-long drop in fertility rates in Finland. Back in August, I profiled