Getty A college education is one of the biggest investments that you will make in your life. Whether it’s improving your own career path or setting aside a college fund for your kids, you will be facing a hefty bill. Costs don’t appear to be slowing either. According to CollegeBoard, the average price of college
US President Donald Trump delivers a press conference in the Rose Garden of the White House in … [+] Washington, DC, on July 14, 2020. (Photo by JIM WATSON / AFP) (Photo by JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images) AFP via Getty Images The Senate is expected to propose a new stimulus bill next week when
TOPLINE While many of the nation’s largest banks saw their profits plunge during the second quarter, trading revenues have surged, enabling banks to maintain strong capital positions and better position themselves to weather the coronavirus pandemic. Banks with a focus on trading are seeing better results than those with traditional lending … [+] offerings. Andrew
By Liz Seegert, Next Avenue Contributor Getty When a loved one over 65 is discharged from the hospital, it usually falls to family members to continue care at home. That often means assisting with physical needs such as mobility or bathing, which can be a challenge for family caregivers if they’re not prepared to take
By Patti Temple Rocks, Author and Next Avenue Contributor Getty About 10 years ago, my boss, mentor and close friend Angelina — who was then in her early 50s — lost her job at our well-known and respected Fortune 50 manufacturing company after working her way up to the executive suite. In the year before,
By Cristina Rouvalis, Next Avenue Contributor Mary Ellen and Mark Meyer are drinking up strong sales at their Wigle Distillery Courtesy of Mark and Mary Ellen Meyer Running a small business can be daunting in the best of times. Throw in a pandemic and it can be devastating. But some older entrepreneurs are thriving during Covid-19
By Ken Dychtwald and Robert Morison, Authors and Next Avenue Contributors Getty (In their new book, What Retirees Want: A Holistic View of Life’s Third Age, authors Ken Dychtwald — a Next Avenue Influencer in Aging — and Robert Morison explore marketers’ misconceptions and mistakes regarding older Americans. The book is based on surveys of
null Getty You simply can’t rely on the Social Security Administration (SSA) to help determine the right benefits for you, especially if you’re a widow or widower. What’s even worse, is the SSA has been told about the problem for years and apparently hasn’t been able to correct it. Here’s the background. When a spouse
People Need More Care, But Lack of Support For Aides Puts Everybody’s Health At Risk Getty The coronavirus pandemic continues to spread like wildfire through the U.S. Amid this pandemic, people need to be able to stay home to stay safe. Yet many workers cannot take time off, even if continued work means putting their
By Dr. Jan Gurley, Next Avenue Contributor Getty (The following article represents the views of Dr. Jan Gurley and not the San Francisco Department of Public Health, where she works in communicable disease and prevention during the Covid-19 pandemic. The information included is rapidly evolving and applies to the current situation.) Due to the Covid-19
How much will Medicare’s out-of-pocket limits cost you? Getty Watch the Medicare commercials, read the promotional information you get in the mail. One point jumps out at you. Original Medicare has no limit on how much one will pay, but Medicare Advantage does cap the costs. What exactly does this mean? According to, the out-of-pocket
Hands holding piggy bank with Roth IRA. Pension plan. Getty We’re a few days away from this year’s tax deadline on July 15th. It’s also the deadline to make contributions to an IRA for 2019. Contributing to a Roth IRA can be particularly beneficial. (If your income is too high to contribute to a Roth
Mature African American couple on deck of a cruise ship, looking out into the ocean Getty There are three big – and almost unbelievably common – mistakes that companies and their marketers make with respect to retirees and older customers generally. First is ignoring them in pursuit of the youth market. Americans age 50 and
This article is part of a series; click here to read Part 1 How long does the guaranteed rollup rate last? Does it have any other features? Guaranteed rollup rates for the benefit base generally end once guaranteed distributions from the contract have commenced. As well, in cases where those distributions do not begin for
TOPLINE The stock market moved higher on Friday, reversing early losses, after positive coronavirus vaccine news helped offset growing investor concerns about a record number of new U.S. cases. Stocks ticked higher after Gilead’s coronavirus treatment showed positive data. Marcel Kusch/dpa/picture alliance via Getty Images KEY FACTS The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 1.4%,
Getty No matter your age, you invest for only one reason: to accumulate wealth. Anything else is charity. Not that there’s anything wrong with charity (and faith and hope and all those other good things). Charity puts food on other families’ tables. Investing—good investing, smart investing, successful investing—puts food on your family’s table. And if
TOPLINE Despite growing concerns about a record number of new U.S. coronavirus cases, the stock market has largely held steady thanks to surging shares of big tech companies—though that’s resulting in a very imbalanced market, experts warn. The FAANG stocks – Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google-parent Alphabet. Forbes KEY FACTS Even as the United
TOPLINE Despite growing concerns about a record number of new U.S. coronavirus cases, the stock market has largely held steady thanks to surging shares of big tech companies—though that’s resulting in a very imbalanced market, experts warn. The FAANG stocks – Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google-parent Alphabet. Forbes KEY FACTS Even as the United
Getty In June, the Department of Labor advanced a rule relating to socially responsible investing – also commonly known as environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) investing. The proposed regulation by the Labor Department reiterates that fiduciaries are prohibited from disregarding pecuniary considerations to instead pursue ESG-related considerations. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
Dogs can inspire you to make good retirement planning decisions! iStockphoto: ChristinLola Most older working Americans face serious retirement planning challenges: To generate enough money to afford retirement, they’ll either need to work beyond age 65, reduce their standard of living, or do some combination of the two. These are tough challenges, and most people