
Every two years, the National Institute on Retirement Security surveys Americans to measure their sentiment about retirement. The most recent polling again found that most Americans remain worried about retirement.   More than two-thirds of Americans (67 percent) say the nation faces a retirement crisis. And, more than half (56 percent) are concerned that they
As people age, a top priority is remaining independent and healthy enough to keep living on their own. So what’s the financial pathway to making that happen? Through the years, most of us make financial mistakes that we recover from. But here, we want to talk about one big bungle many people make that does have lasting effects: spending money from their retirement accounts before they retire.  Sometimes, as we all know life happens, hardship hits, and you
By Richard Eisenberg, Next Avenue Editor A headline on Stanford University Business School’s Insights site caught my eye recently: “Workplace Equality for All! (Unless They’re Old).” The piece described fascinating research by NYU’s Michael North and Stanford’s Ashley Martin which found that workers who openly oppose racism and sexism were still prejudiced against older workers. As
By Kerry Hannon, Next Avenue As employees inch their way back to the office, are employers acknowledging that caregiving for aging parents, spouses, partners and close relatives is a front and center concern for their workers? It looks like it. At the very least, based on my reporting talking with employers, workers and benefits professionals, the
Two types of early retirements have become more and more prominent through the pandemic recovery. Despite the number of job openings reaching the highest level since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began tracking the measure in 2006, labor force participation among those 55 or older continues to decline. This indicates that more people over the
Are you curious about crypto? There’s been a tremendous amount of hype about how cryptocurrencies are the “next big thing” in the digital revolution, and how they have the potential to transform not just traditional financial services, but also other industries. A number of high-profile celebrities have endorsed both cryptocurrencies and crypto companies. There are
Recent fires, floods, and extreme heat events are demonstrating that climate change is here—now—not some day in the distant future. How could that realization impact your retirement plans? Any concern you might feel about climate change could depend in part on your age. A recent survey conducted by the Society of Actuaries (SOA), titled “Financial
Companies that have been severely impacted by the pandemic have turned to early retirement offers as a way to reduce their workforce. If your employer has a defined benefit pension plan, your offer may include the option of selecting a monthly pension paid throughout your lifetime or a single lump sum distribution of approximately the
It’s no secret that America’s struggling public pensions are a hot mess. Lack of comprehensive state regulation; the failure of legislative oversight; lay boards lacking investment experience; Wall Street donations to the campaigns of corrupt influential politicians and law enforcement indifference, all contribute to the morass. It seems, on the one hand, no one with
“Simplicity is the first cousin of contentment,” said John Stott. Whether it is a toppling stack of bills to be paid, an ungainly balance sheet to be managed, an overflowing email inbox to be processed, or a packed calendar to be hurried through, complexity rarely leads to a state of contentment. Have you noticed that?