Month: July 2023

Halfpoint Images | Moment | Getty Images The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law 33 years ago to protect people with disabilities from discrimination. But the disabled still face major hurdles when it comes to building wealth. To help make it easier for disabled individuals with lower incomes to save, Sen. Bob Casey,
Getting a foot in the door of a company is often a major hurdle for people with disabilities looking for employment, even 33 years after the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA is a federal law requiring employers to make “reasonable accommodations” — adjustments or modifications — for qualified job applicants or employees
Andresr | E+ | Getty Images After years of low interest payouts, savings accounts now are paying higher yields, after a series of interest rate hikes from the Federal Reserve. But many Americans still aren’t getting the best rates for their cash. Despite inflation concerns, nearly 70% of middle-income Americans haven’t moved savings to higher-yielding
President Joe Biden speaks on July 25, 2023. Samuel Corum/Sipa/Bloomberg via Getty Images The White House on Tuesday forgave $130 million in student debt for 7,400 borrowers who attended CollegeAmerica, a now-defunct institution in Colorado that officials said misled borrowers about their loans and career prospects. These borrowers “were lied to, ripped off and saddled