Month: July 2023

Simple Definition of Descendant Here is a simple definition of “descendant” from a trust document: “References in this Trust Agreement to a person’s “children,” “grandchildren,” and other “descendants” shall refer respectively to that person’s children, grandchildren, and descendants, whenever born, as determined according to applicable governing law, except to the extent modified herein.” [Sample clause
Victims of flooding in Vermont now have until November 15, 2023 to file individual and business tax returns and to pay any taxes that were originally due between July 9, 2023 and November 15, 2023. The specific relief postpones the filing deadline for any returns with deadlines starting on July 9, 2023. The relief includes
Pgiam | Istock | Getty Images A cottage industry of specialist firms has sprung up to help business owners claim the Employee Retention Credit (ERC), a governmental tax incentive intended for companies stressed by the pandemic. But businesses need to be careful not to get hoodwinked.  There are strict eligibility requirements for the ERC —
The decision to invest in stocks or other risky assets depends on factors such as age, savings, and personal needs. If you’re well into retirement, have substantial assets, and don’t have a specific requirement to leave a significant inheritance, you might want to avoid investing in stocks altogether. This is particularly true in today’s context,
damircudic | Getty There’s a key tax deadline approaching for past-due filers, with an estimated $1.5 billion in unclaimed refunds up for grabs. Nearly 1.5 million taxpayers still have pending refunds from 2019, with a median payment worth $893, according to the IRS. The last chance to file or amend 2019 returns to claim your